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Industrial hemp

“Zukunft Bau:” Research funding for industrial hemp as a sustainable alternative to concrete in the construction industry

Several funded projects are currently investigating sustainable alternatives to construction materials such as bio-based products and natural fibers like hemp and flax.

  • TU Dortmund University The research is aimed at determining the long-term behavior of textile reinforcements made from natural fibers and their shear load bearing capacity for concrete components between 2024-2027. The goal is to develop a shear load-bearing model and a durability factor. (current)
  • From 2024-2026 the TH Koln The company is developing masonry blocks that are capable of bearing loads made from hemp lime. These should be able to achieve the required strength by selective compaction.
  • You can also find out more about the following: TU Bergakademie Freiberg From 2023-2026, the company is developing a correlation model to produce insulating mats from hemp and reed.
  • You can also find out more about the following: Bundeswehr University Munich From 2023-2025, the company will investigate hemp bast fibres as a reinforcing material in low-clinker cements.
  • From 2023-2025 Fraunhofer IKTS The company is developing hemp limestone made from microorganisms that bind CO2.

All projects aim at developing sustainable and CO2-reducing materials based on renewable materials. The focus is on mechanical and physical properties of the building materials, as well as their long-term behavior and ecological balance.

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