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DoerrIhttp://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ Gregor Doerr fire truck, firefighter, ambulance responding to car crash at night Gregor Doerr Traffic accident aid ambulance automobile caution city crash danger dark department emergency fighter fire fire fighter fire truck fire-fighter fire-truck firefighter firemen firetruck first flash flashing lights illuminated light lights man medical night paramedic red rendering rescue responder response road safety scene street transportation travel truck vehicle wheel white fire truck, firefighter, ambulance responding to car crash at night centerX = 0.125936, centerY = 0.640035, radius = 0.011575, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.181962, sourceY = 0.637964, spotType = heal centerX = 0.126123, centerY = 0.660036, radius = 0.011575, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.181985, sourceY = 0.658698, spotType = heal centerX = 0.138585, centerY = 0.638782, radius = 0.011575, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.184166, sourceY = 0.637516, spotType = heal centerX = 0.139977, centerY = 0.660986, radius = 0.011575, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.181281, sourceY = 0.658528, spotType = heal centerX = 0.151396, centerY = 0.637273, radius = 0.011575, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.127833, sourceY = 0.646000, spotType = heal centerX = 0.152999, centerY = 0.661969, radius = 0.011575, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.123667, sourceY = 0.653250, spotType = heal centerX = 0.163755, centerY = 0.638533, radius = 0.011575, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.132639, sourceY = 0.648154, spotType = heal centerX = 0.168159, centerY = 0.661367, radius = 0.011575, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.144667, sourceY = 0.661500, spotType = heal centerX = 0.185392, centerY = 0.334300, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.177852, sourceY = 0.349828, spotType = heal centerX = 0.192885, centerY = 0.333753, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.180000, sourceY = 0.338500, spotType = heal centerX = 0.200689, centerY = 0.331942, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.184667, sourceY = 0.332000, spotType = heal centerX = 0.208699, centerY = 0.332374, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.195833, sourceY = 0.332500, spotType = heal centerX = 0.216214, centerY = 0.333076, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.203333, sourceY = 0.333250, spotType = heal centerX = 0.223549, centerY = 0.333035, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.210667, sourceY = 0.333000, spotType = heal centerX = 0.231050, centerY = 0.332987, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.218167, sourceY = 0.333000, spotType = heal centerX = 0.241208, centerY = 0.332333, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.218518, sourceY = 0.334607, spotType = heal centerX = 0.256387, centerY = 0.332731, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.243500, sourceY = 0.337500, spotType = heal centerX = 0.264393, centerY = 0.332913, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.233874, sourceY = 0.335569, spotType = heal centerX = 0.271548, centerY = 0.332128, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.257490, sourceY = 0.331664, spotType = heal centerX = 0.279865, centerY = 0.331048, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.267000, sourceY = 0.331000, spotType = heal centerX = 0.288042, centerY = 0.331473, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.271833, sourceY = 0.331500, spotType = heal centerX = 0.295876, centerY = 0.331412, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.283000, sourceY = 0.331500, spotType = heal centerX = 0.304224, centerY = 0.332081, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.280408, sourceY = 0.332714, spotType = heal centerX = 0.312068, centerY = 0.332520, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.295833, sourceY = 0.327750, spotType = heal centerX = 0.319412, centerY = 0.332978, radius = 0.006293, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.303167, sourceY = 0.328250, spotType = heal centerX = 0.221615, centerY = 0.525690, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.209036, sourceY = 0.455158, spotType = clone centerX = 0.240472, centerY = 0.526691, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.209262, sourceY = 0.460415, spotType = clone centerX = 0.266286, centerY = 0.525166, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.209286, sourceY = 0.456451, spotType = clone centerX = 0.285823, centerY = 0.526890, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.210064, sourceY = 0.454899, spotType = clone centerX = 0.371645, centerY = 0.464593, radius = 0.030452, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.359633, sourceY = 0.324330, spotType = heal centerX = 0.140973, centerY = 0.470756, radius = 0.024158, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.233314, sourceY = 0.575291, spotType = heal centerX = 0.491760, centerY = 0.618844, radius = 0.009588, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.483528, sourceY = 0.652281, spotType = clone centerX = 0.503415, centerY = 0.617881, radius = 0.009588, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.484562, sourceY = 0.649062, spotType = clone centerX = 0.515071, centerY = 0.616918, radius = 0.009588, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.490204, sourceY = 0.647051, spotType = clone centerX = 0.484308, centerY = 0.480121, radius = 0.009588, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.488322, sourceY = 0.508370, spotType = clone centerX = 0.496577, centerY = 0.476133, radius = 0.009588, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.490384, sourceY = 0.507969, spotType = clone centerX = 0.507584, centerY = 0.476195, radius = 0.009588, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.497377, sourceY = 0.506417, spotType = clone centerX = 0.473065, centerY = 0.485568, radius = 0.009588, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.490924, sourceY = 0.507594, spotType = clone centerX = 0.591391, centerY = 0.141820, radius = 0.009588, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.580016, sourceY = 0.125135, spotType = heal centerX = 0.600048, centerY = 0.140976, radius = 0.009588, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.616699, sourceY = 0.162147, spotType = heal centerX = 0.598050, centerY = 0.160058, radius = 0.009588, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.584490, sourceY = 0.130012, spotType = heal centerX = 0.711265, centerY = 0.169063, radius = 0.009588, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.712561, sourceY = 0.142471, spotType = heal centerX = 0.944746, centerY = 0.019769, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.915282, sourceY = 0.058497, spotType = heal centerX = 0.591097, centerY = 0.427372, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.625766, sourceY = 0.435195, spotType = clone centerX = 0.593617, centerY = 0.456776, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.629104, sourceY = 0.436552, spotType = clone centerX = 0.686620, centerY = 0.416576, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.624244, sourceY = 0.431302, spotType = heal centerX = 0.684501, centerY = 0.447665, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.621305, sourceY = 0.432702, spotType = heal centerX = 0.706126, centerY = 0.425803, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.622915, sourceY = 0.430300, spotType = heal centerX = 0.706375, centerY = 0.458797, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.708327, sourceY = 0.414286, spotType = heal centerX = 0.681671, centerY = 0.476281, radius = 0.017863, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.710335, sourceY = 0.416703, spotType = heal centerX = 0.123190, centerY = 0.352278, radius = 0.009438, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.141603, sourceY = 0.310204, spotType = clone centerX = 0.132533, centerY = 0.352657, radius = 0.009438, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.142372, sourceY = 0.307251, spotType = clone centerX = 0.143344, centerY = 0.351227, radius = 0.009438, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.142742, sourceY = 0.305807, spotType = clone centerX = 0.154191, centerY = 0.351796, radius = 0.009438, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.142518, sourceY = 0.307495, spotType = clone centerX = 0.062434, centerY = 0.526143, radius = 0.036741, sourceState = sourceSetExplicitly, sourceX = 0.062946, sourceY = 0.628505, spotType = clone centerX = 0.059937, centerY = 0.450901, radius = 0.036741, sourceState = sourceAutoComputed, sourceX = 0.060000, sourceY = 0.312500, spotType = 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