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Here’s what’s being said

TRENTON – The Senate Budget Committee today approved a bill sponsored by Senate President Nick Scutari and Senator Joe Vitale that would establish a framework for the regulated production and use of psilocybin as a behavioral health treatment.

The legislation, S2283, entitled the “Psilocybin Behavioral Health Access and Services Act,” would establish a 15-member advisory board in the Department of Health to create specific requirements and standards before the program is operational.

“Scientific research is showing that psilocybin can be a safe and effective treatment for severe depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders,” said Senator Scutari (D-Union/Somerset). “This bill will create a framework for a program that offers professionally-supervised services to qualified patients who would benefit from psilocybin treatment. This has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of those who suffer adverse behavioral health conditions.”

Clinical trials and research are showing psilocybin to be an effective treatment for PTSD, substance use disorder, anorexia and chronic pain, as well as depression and anxiety. A non-addictive drug derived from mushrooms, psilocybin has been officially designated a “breakthrough therapy” by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

“We are only just beginning to grasp the true breadth of the number of New Jerseyans facing daily struggles with debilitating issues such as severe depression, chronic pain and addiction, as well as other health disorders. We also know that finding effective treatment for such ailments can be difficult,” said Senator Vitale, Chair of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee. “Meantime, recent studies and continuing research show psilocybin, taken under proper medical supervision, can bring relief to those suffering, and improve quality of life. Mental health disorders are not a one-size fits all category – psilocybin might be the one treatment that works for thousands of people in our state.”

The measure would allow for the establishment of licensed psilocybin production facilities, treatment centers and testing operations in New Jersey. Local officials would have to approve any production facility or service center in their community. Treatment centers would not be allowed within 500 feet of an elementary or secondary school, according to the bill.

The legislation specifies that qualifying patients would have to be at least 21 years old and obtain a referral from a qualified professional, such as a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist or clinical social worker. A defined list of eligible health conditions would be developed by the advisory board before prospective patients could receive treatment.

The bill mandates a three-step treatment process: a preparatory session to screen the patients and determine their treatment goals; an administration session when the psilocybin is consumed under the supervision of a qualified “service administrator,” and an after-treatment therapy session to discuss the experiences of the session, assess its outcome and determine follow-up care.

The advisory board would also be responsible for developing specific standards for training the service administrators, licensing requirements and safety protocols, including a requirement for an on-site medical director or a contract with an EMS service. The board would be required to develop its recommendations within 18 months and submit them to the Health Department to adopt its regulations.

After the program is operational, the Health Department would be required to collect data from the providers on patient experiences and treatment outcomes. The information would be used to assess the success of the program’s services.

The bipartisan bill, previously approved by the Senate Health Committee, is cosponsored by Senator Holly Schepisi, Senator Andrew Zwicker, Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez, and Senator Declan O’Scanlon.

Today’s committee vote was 12–0–1.

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