Euclid dispensary now says it is allowed to sell recreational marijuana, after the city initially said no. | Where to buy weed online
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Euclid reminded two of its medical marijuana dispensaries that recreational sales are not allowed per zoning regulations. However, one dispensary has now announced it’s been granted the green light.

EUCLID (Ohio) — A marijuana dispensary in Ohio opened its doors for recreational sales on Tuesday. However, the city reminded them of a 2021 zone regulation that prohibits those, forcing them to turn hundreds of customers away on opening day.
Jimmie Dawson, the manager of Nectar Medical Dispensaries, told News 5 that his team and he were excited about this new opportunity.
Dawson said, “I’ve put them through the ringer to prepare them because we only had a week to turn around.”
Dawson said that at 6:35 pm on Monday the city informed Nectar that they would not be able to sell recreational marijuana.
“It was depressing, because this was our goal to build up our clientele,” said he.
A sign was posted on the front door of the store Tuesday morning, warning customers that Nectar could not be sold recreationally as the City of Euclid did not allow it.
Dawson estimates that by turning away leisure customers for five hours, Nectar has lost $10,000 in sales.
“I rolled our cameras back and stopped counting after 100 people had been turned away, because it was very frustrating. Dawson said, “We worked so hard to reach this point.”
News 5 requested a city interview on Tuesday afternoon. However, neither the Mayor nor City Council would accept interviews.
The city provided a statement.
“The City Of Euclid remains dedicated to maintaining a fair and transparent regulatory environment for all business operating within its jurisdiction. In line with this commitment, we would like to clarify the current zoning policies regarding marijuana dispensaries. According to our current zoning code, adopted in November 2021, only medical marijuana dispensaries can operate within the City.
The city explains that the policy was communicated during the entire licensing process, and even before Ohio issued Recreational Adult Use Licenses in July this year.
The City of Euclid appreciates the contribution of medical dispensaries in our community’s well-being and health. The city stated on Tuesday that it believes that upholding the zoning code will ensure a positive atmosphere for nearby businesses and residents.
Visitors to the Nectar dispensary questioned how the city could have done this despite recreational marijuana becoming legal in Ohio.
“It appears that Ohio is a difficult place to do this kind of thing.” Adam Manchook, a potential customer of Nectar’s, said: “I’m sorry to see it.”
There are so many places to visit [to] now. “It’s like you can go to another city if you cannot go to Euclid,” said a potential customer of Nectar Charee Fountain.

Jonathan Entin, a professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Law and an attorney, said that local ordinances could supersede state laws. However, there is a gray zone.
Entin said that if there is a marijuana dispensary already in a particular community, the local government has limited options. It is also harder for the local government to shut down a dispensary unless it has lost its license from the state.
He said that a local referendum could be held to allow voters to use their power in order to change Euclid’s zoning codes, but this would be an option “down the road”.
Entin said: “It raises the question of whether a community that has a medical marijuana dispensary could prevent that dispensary from selling recreational marijuana if it has a state permit.” “I think that the dispensary at least has a plausible legal case, even if they don’t win.”
News 5 asked Mayor Kirsten Woodheimer Gail on Wednesday what would happen if two dispensaries from Euclid began selling recreational marijuana.
“We will address that as we move forward, but our city council has approved medical marijuana. Our zoning code allows it, so we will work with operators to find a solution.
News 5 re-ran Nectar on Wednesday.
Dawson said that with the help of Nectar corporate office and its attorneys, he was informed Tuesday at 3 pm that his team had been given city approval to sale recreational marijuana.

“I asked them if they were certain because I didn’t wish to get into trouble. They said they were certain and I didn’t want to be arrested. I don’t remember who spread the news, but everyone swarmed and I said, “Please, nine o’clock!” Dawson said, “Let it end.”
Dawson said that the flow of patients, or customers as he prefers to call them has been steady.
“It has been pretty good.” I love meeting new people and hearing their questions. We’re used our regulars, but now that new people are coming into THC and asking questions – I enjoy teaching them about medicine. I’m a pharmacist. They’ll say, “I don’t smoke.” I’d prefer to cook with it or put it in my food. I’ll show you the different options, like olive oil THC. We have THC-infused sugar and lemonade mix. There are a variety of options for people to choose from, no matter what they want to do with it,” Dawson said.
Nectar offers a variety of products for its customers, including edibles, chocolates, gummies, lozenges, and sublingual tinctures.
“I welcome everyone to Nectar, and I hope they enjoy the experience,” he said.
On the sign posted on Nectar’s doors, Tuesday morning, it was suggested that customers call City Council if they have any complaints or concerns.

Dawson continues to suggest that Euclid residents express their opinions about recreational marijuana sales in the city to City Council.
The next City of Euclid City Council Meeting will be held on Monday, August 19.
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